legislation allows pharmacies to expand into multiple locations
and have a single pharmacist serve these locations simultaneously
through a pharmacy technician. Via video teleconference, the pharmacist
can interact with patients or the pharmacy technician as if they
were at the same physical location.
are filled and approved by a Pharmacist using our telepharmacy
technology from across the street or hundreds of miles away.
Sustaining pharmacy services in a rural community can
be a challenge. By filling this pharmacy void you can archive
prescription fills similar to urban pharmacies right in your
hometown. This kind of growth can be attained and vital community
services preserved.
telepharmacy concepts from Custom Data, Inc. provide you with the
tools to expand your pharmacy business into a regional pharmacy
a local pharmacy within your community has become a very real problem.
With a shortage of Pharmacists across the nation, rural communities
are losing prescription drug services. Patients are forced to travel
to larger communities to have their prescriptions filled. In some
cases, the nearest pharmacy may be fifty or even one hundred miles
away. Telepharmacy technology from Custom Data, Inc. can connect
your community with a pharmacist hundreds of miles away while keeping
your business in your local community thriving.
pharmacies and pharmacy organizations require their stores
to remain operational even when pharmacists are unavailable
or on vacation. Telepharmacy concepts from Custom Data, Inc.
can set up a pharmacy network within your organization to allow
any pharmacist to fill-in via teleconference from any other
pharmacy in your organization.
solutions allow you to manage your organization more effectively,
thus improving your customer relations as well as your bottom
line. Telepharmacy technologies will help you maintain the
flexibility a demanding lifestyle may require.