
CDI is offering this great Web Site Promotion Service, which enables you to efficiently and effectively register your web site on the worlds most powerful search engines.  Promotional Engines, also called Search Engines, Internet Directories, Indices and Lists, are vast databases that compile information about the many thousands of web sites on the Internet.  These serve as directories for those seeking information on the World Wide Web.  Some of the engines such as Yahoo, Alta Vista, WebCrawler and Infoseek are quite well known, but there are also many lesser-known engines that are extremely useful on which your site also should be registered.  Properly registering your web site on these engines is what our service is all about.
For more information on how search engines work, click here.

Our service conducts a professional promotional campaign for your web site, which includes an analytic view of your current web sites, analyzing meta tags (tags within the web page that help search engines properly index you site),  page titles, and keywords within your page text.
For more information on meta tags, page titles, and key words, click here

Please contact us if you would like to promote your web site!
(This is not a free service)






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